this Workshop
Breastfeeding Workshop Liverpool: This workshop offers important information and practical tips to successfully breastfeed your baby, feel confident to recognise effective feeding, and avoid common breastfeeding complications. Breastfeeding initiation and preference has consistently grown as women become more aware of the benefits for themselves and for their baby. However, continuation of breastfeeding remains low as access to effective support is unavailable or delayed. Understanding how to get breastfeeding off to a good start can help to avoid the challenges that commonly lead to cessation of breastfeeding. If your feeding journey includes expressing breastmilk, there is important information to help avoid complications and achieve a good supply.
This workshop is delivered by Carol, a specialist infant feeding midwife and certified lactation consultant, together with Alison, a tongue tie expert with training to support breastfeeding. There will be a practical element to this class using knitted breasts and dolls, and equipment will be available for demonstration.
During the workshop, you will receive information about the value of colostrum, exclusive breastfeeding and making a connection with your baby. The importance and benefits of protecting the magic hour following birth and skin to skin is explained. You will receive advice about positions to hold baby for effective attachment, and videos to explain how breastfeeding works. Ensuring a good position, attachment, and transfer of breastmilk will help avoid complications for both mum and baby. Responsive feeding, recognising feeding cues, expressing, pumping, and storing breastmilk are also covered.
This workshop will provide you with enough information to get feeding off to the best start and support continuation of breastfeeding. If you do face any difficulties, the workshop offers practical advice about expressing/pumping and getting baby back on the breast.
Partners are welcome and encouraged to attend. Fruit and refreshments will be available, and we can offer information about local supportive services. You will be provided with equipment and instruction on how to harvest and store colostrum at the appropriate gestation.
Some of the topics discussed include:
- Colostrum, what its purpose is, and how to harvest from 37 weeks (equipment provided)
- Benefits of breastfeeding
- Effective positions and attachment
- The role of hormones and how they effect brain development
- Skin to skin contact
- Baby’s instinctive behaviour including feeding cues
- Recognising effective attachment
- Expressing breast milk (pumping)
- How to safely store breastmilk
- ‘Seeing’ what baby is getting
- Tongue tie including what it is, problems it can cause and what can be done
- Practice breastfeeding positions with dolls and knitted breasts
You will receive a useful and comprehensive information booklet to take home and refer back to. This is a highly interactive workshop. Our support doesn’t stop after your session!. Once you attend any of our classes and workshops, you will always be welcomed to ask questions and visit us throughout pregnancy and beyond.

- This workshop is suitable from any gestation.
- The Infant Feeding workshop is delivered by a lactation consultant and lead tongue tie practitioner
- The length of this workshop is 4.5 hrs*.
- Fruit and refreshments will be provided.
- Information booklet provided.
- Booking includes partner/companion (optional/recommended).
- Individual workshop – £75
- Course of 2 workshops -£130 (£65 per workshop) New Baby + Breastfeeding
- Complete course of 4 workshops – £235 (£58.75 per workshop) includes all the above plus Positive Labour and Birth + Give Birth without Fear workshops, and a free one to one midwife consultation.
Please see calendar for availability. Early booking is advised to avoid disappointment.
* Please be aware that classes/workshops may overrun
*Breastfeeding Workshop Liverpool: Gift cards are available to purchase – See booking page for options

Classes & Workshops