The membership package includes a complete course of antenatal education, therapies, private one to one consultations, and the opportunity to add to your support network and build lasting relationships. You can choose all your therapies to be antenatal or a selection of both antenatal and postnatal therapies.
The membership offers good value for money and peace of mind. Our team getting to know you and all about your pregnancy and birth journey provides reassurance for you, and the opportunity to understand your personality, your fears, and your desires. Together we will help you create birth preferences that suit you and your partner/family. The convenience of pre-arranged commitment and knowing your midwife reduces any anxiety as your pregnancy progresses. Furthermore, the benefit of pre-planning therapies and classes creates a sense of being prepared for birth and a new baby, plus some important self-care for you.
As a member, we will invite you to join us for an informal chat to get to know you and explain how to book the services in your package. You will not need to arrange them all in advance and can cancel/reschedule as and when you need to without limitations (members only). This offers the greatest flexibility for busy lifestyles and gives you a feeling of being in control without any pressure.
If the membership package is bought as a gift, we will contact the purchaser to find out how and when they would like us to present the package and contact the recipient.

Membership package includes:
- 6 x therapies (antenatal and/or postnatal)
- The Complete Antenatal Education Course
- 2 x midwife appointments
- Positive affirmation cards
- Access to telephone support during opening hours
Price – £649
*If you have already attended Beyond Midwives for any of our services and would like to upgrade to a membership, please let us know.
