About the
Midwife Consultations Liverpool: A midwife is a health professional specialising in supporting mothers and babies throughout pregnancy, during labour and birth, and the first few weeks with a new baby. Limited availability and short appointments with midwives have led to a focus on clinical assessment and routine queries. Seeing different midwives throughout pregnancy can often become a barrier when having to repeat history and concerns. Seeing the same midwife means they will know you well.
Having time to sit with a midwife at Beyond Midwives gives the opportunity to discuss your pregnancy and feel confident. We value continuity to get to know you and understand your journey. This will provide you with the support and time you need to help make your experience more positive.
You may want to use this appointment to go through your birth plan options, discuss concerns, or for information and advice before making important decisions. If you like statistics and facts before making a decision, we can gather the latest information to ensure you are well informed. Every consultation is led by you and your requirements. Beyond Midwives will have a midwife available seven days a week and arrange for you to see the same midwife for return visits.

- Midwife consultations are available 7 days a week. This can be for clinical assessment and/or if you need advice and want to know more about your options.
- The consultation is for 1hr with a Registered Midwife.
- Refreshments will be provided.
- Price – £65
*Midwife Consultations Liverpool: Gift cards are available to purchase
