Pregnancy scanning services:
Introducing Catch a Glimpse, a private pregnancy ultrasound clinic, owned and operated by a registered midwife sonographer.
Catch a Glimpse are committed to providing women with an exceptional and in-depth understanding of pregnancy and the development of their baby.
This family-run clinic is led by a team of friendly and experienced professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that every visit is warm, welcoming, and tailored to your needs. They take great pride in creating a comfortable and uplifting environment that promotes relaxation and puts you at ease.
With advanced scanning equipment featuring the latest 4D HD technology, Catch a glimpse strives to provide you with the best quality images of your precious little one. From capturing those adorable features to offering reassurance during your pregnancy, they are here to support you every step of the way. They believe that every detail matters. That’s why they have incorporated unique ambient lighting and soothing music into their facility. Not only is this used for exciting gender reveals but also enhances the overall atmosphere and creates a serene setting that allows you to connect with your baby on a deeper level.
Catch a glimpse understands that your time is valuable, which is why their appointments are unhurried. They want you to feel relaxed, take your time, and truly savor the moment. Whether you are seeking reassurance or simply want to “catch a glimpse” of your baby, they are here to ensure that your experience is positive and memorable.
Catch a glimpse acknowledge women want (and need) more information, and recognise the benefit of accessing a midwife for their education and non-biased factual information. Catch a glimpse are offering women packages to support their pregnancy by including important antenatal support and education at Beyond Midwives.
Pregnancy, labour, birth, and post-birth recovery while becoming new parents can be a challenging life event. Parents need support to feel confident and enjoy this special time in their lives.
Please visit the Catch a glimpse website to find out how to gather your team of supportive professionals and include your education at a reduced cost.
Workshops included in the scan packages are carried out at Beyond Midwives in the Baltic area of Liverpool city centre. Scans are offered at Catch a glimpse in Maghull.
3D / 4D Scan with Antenatal Workshop includes:
- 30 minute 3d/4d scan appointment
- HD live imaging (recommended gestation 26-33 weeks*)
- Baby growth and well-being check
- Detailed assessment report
- 4 coloured images 4×6 size
- Workshop of your choice at Beyond Midwives
* It may be possible to scan later than 33 weeks on request
£135 (Deposit £20)
Bump to Birth Package includes:
- Reassurance scan 7-15 weeks
- Gender/well-being scan 15-22 weeks
- Full Antenatal course of education at Beyond Midwives
- One-to-one Midwife consultation at Beyond Midwives
- 3D/4D scan 22-33 weeks
£365.50 (Deposit £50)
See the classes and workshops page link below for more information about each workshop. Here is a brief description of each workshop.
All workshops are on a Saturday afternoon 2-6.30pm (with breaks, snacks, and refreshments provided) and delivered by experienced midwives with additional speciality training.
- Positive Labour and Birth workshop
This workshop explains the mechanisms of birth and how both mum and baby can be helped to navigate their birth journey. Some of the topics include supporting and recognising labour stages, common pain relief options, alternative pain relief options, when to seek advice, how to promote a positive birth experience, birth positions, induction of labour, facts about care of and prevention of perineal trauma. This workshop includes information for birth partners to feel confident and feel involved, as well as post-birth recovery.
- Give Birth Without Fear workshop
The Give Birth Without Fear method is for the birthing mum to understand how fear can impact the length of labour, pain experienced, and type of birth. However, the workshop is heavily aimed at teaching birth partners simple tools to recognise fear and lead the birthing mum back to a feeling of safety. The tools are practised together with birth partners so it is important for birth partners to attend. If you or your partner are worried about how involved they will feel and how they may experience the process with you, this workshop will help you to both feel confident and enjoy the birth together.
- New Baby Workshop
The New Baby workshop is very popular as parents want to give their baby the best possible start in life. The topics covered include baby’s transition to life outside the womb in the early hours and days, and how to make this as easy as possible for both baby and parents. How to care for baby’s cord, skin, bathing, and optimise their development. Safe sleeping is discussed with advice about safe co-sleeping or bed sharing. Maintaining baby’s temperature and how to keep baby safe physically and emotionally.
- Breastfeeding Workshop
If you are considering breastfeeding, this workshop will prepare you to achieve a positive breastfeeding experience. Uniquely this workshop is delivered by an experienced and dedicated lactation consultant and a specialist tongue tie practitioner. Some of the topics covered are understanding breastfeeding physiology, antenatal collection and storage of colostrum, recognising baby is feeding effectively, preventing common challenges of breastfeeding, supporting your supply and comfort, and knowing baby is getting enough. You will also be taught about expressing, pumping, and using equipment that may help you with continuation of breastfeeding.
Pregnancy, labour, birth, post-birth recovery, and caring for a new baby are a continuum of an extraordinary life event. It is important to be informed, supported, and confident. Partners are welcomed and encouraged to attend all workshops (excluding Yoga for Birth).